01 July 2011

The Train Journey

Have you ever taken a walk in a train at night? It is one of the weirdest and crassly human experiences that you can possibly subject yourself to. Let me explain this to you in detail here. Currently, it is 0045 hours and I am writing this sitting on a coach attendant's seat (yes, there is such a seat near the toilets of Rajdhani Express). Blessed with a rather heavy and long body, it was becoming a bit uncomfortable for me to keep lying on my Tier III bunk bed. Managed to pull myself down and with nothing better to do, took a walk. Most people when they enter the train are very conscious of themselves. As they settle down among strangers and the wheels start rolling, a certain degree of comfort is attained. By the time dinner is served, people with laptops or GPRS enabled phones are sending friendship requests on Facebook. Human nature perhaps. But a slightly uglier side of this human nature is visible if you are a night walker like I am. After the heavy food, some of these creatures release gases as lights are turned off in the compartment. No one would know who the foul creature was this way. Darkness helps. Even caffeine doesn't work as well as walking through a foot wide alleyway, amidst smelly socks and snores rising above the din of the train. Now is when a creature like me took a peek behind the curtains as discretely as possible. A kid watching an explicit porn movie on his laptop. A couple (recently married maybe) getting cozy beyond what is discrete and physically possible in the train. The worst - someone having a happy moment with a magazine in other hand. Yes, true human nature does come out when one thinks that one is not being watched upon. This is reporting live from a Rajdhani Express.

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